Poppits Quick Fix

$28.41$52.90 inc. GST or subscribe and save 10%


Built up organic matter in spa water can cause the water to become cloudy and odorous. Poppit Quick Fix is an chlorine-free oxidiser, which cleans spa water by breaking down organic material.


(Freight surcharge required for this product as it is classed as Dangerous Goods)


Chlorine Free Oxidiser

(Potassium Peroxymonosulphate 450 g/kg. Available oxygen 4.75%.)


Built up organic matter in spa water can cause the water to become cloudy and odorous. Poppit Quick Fix is an chlorine-free oxidiser, which cleans spa water by breaking down organic material.


Available sizes: 475g and 1kg

Poppit Instruction Manual.pdf

Additional information

Weight N/A

1kg, 475g


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