Poppit Pool & Spa Complete Maintenance & Clarifier

$65.70$155.00 inc. GST or subscribe and save 10%

Phosphate and Algae Control


  • Removes phosphates
  • Controls algae
  • Reduces TDS
  • Lengthens life of water




Phosphate and Algae Control


  • Removes phosphates
  • Controls algae
  • Reduces TDS
  • Lengthens life of water


Available in: 1L, 5L

This product is designed to use with Poppits sanitizing system to prevent build up and maintain the lowest possible level of undesirable contaminants such as phosphate, algae and organic matter in the pool and spa water.


Dosage rate Shock Treatment Maintenance
Spa/Hot tub 150ml/1000L 50ml/1000L Weekly
Swim Spa 150ml/1000L 50ml/1000L Fortnightly
Swim pool 1L/10,000L 500ml/10,000L Monthly

Poppit Spa Manual.pdf